Love is Blind

Rev. Phil is the Only Chicago Officiant to Do 2 Weddings
on Netflix’s Love is Blind!

Rev. Phil officiated Danielle & Nick’s wedding!

See him on Netflix. Go to Love is Blind, season #2:

Episode #9, starting at 49 minutes, 37 seconds (goes for 4 minutes)

Episode #10, starting at 1 minute, 39 seconds (goes for 2 minutes)

Rev. Phil officiated Mallory & Sal’s wedding!

See him on Netflix. Go to Love is Blind, season #2:

Episode #10, starting 44 minutes, 58 seconds (goes for 5 minutes)

Rev. Phil made a BRITISH website’s Top 15 Moments from the Chicago season


(a British website)

#15. The officiant at Mallory and Sal’s wedding shedding actual tears

My whole heart was ripped out when Sal said “I do not” because he needed more time. He was in tears, Mallory was in tears, all the friends and family were in tears, and then it panned back to the officiant… who looked as though he was also crying. Same hun.

Personalized & Fun | I Do Weddings
Via Netflix

Rev. Phil was tearing up. He’s done 1300+ weddings. Never had a couple say no at the altar before.

Yes, they are real weddings.

The couple can not say they don’t want to get married the day before. They ‘have’ to do it at the altar. Way better TV.

These are REAL weddings. Every couple has a marriage license. (Rev. Phil signed Nick & Danielle’s.) Some friends and/or family are there. They are real officiants doing a genuine ceremony.

Of course, not all weddings on the show lead to a marriage.

How Netflix found Rev. Phil

Netflix did their research like you are doing. They looked online at awards, reviews and videos. They saw that Rev. Phil had been on TLC’s Four Weddings TV show.

They asked him to officiate weddings on the show. NO auditions. NO tryouts.

Rev. Phil is the only Chicago officiant they asked to do multiple weddings.

Rev. Phil & his wife watched the show like you did

Rev. Phil did NOT know any of the back stories of the couples he officiated for. So, he and his wife, Pam watched the show just like you did. (Being married 40 years, they don’t normally watch dating shows.) His wife tells him NOT to tell her anything in advance. She wants to enjoy the drama. (Love is Blind does cliffhangers really well.)

When Jarrett is all-but-proposing to Mallory, well, Rev. Phil knew that wasn’t going to work out – since he officiated Mallory and Sal’s wedding! Made it way more fun for him to watch the show.

Via Netflix

When Nick proposes and Danielle accepts, his wife applauds! Pam was rooting for them.

When, after the episode #9 cliffhanger, Nick says “I do”, Pam cheers! She had continued to root for them. Rev. Phil, of course, knew the outcome – but did not tell his wife ahead of time. After the show ends, he tells her all of the back stories.

Get Married by the Love is Blind Officiant!

‘Meet’ Rev. Phil for a FREE unhurried consultation. He will take time to get to know you.

You will get an email with dates to Zoom.

If he is not available, he will refer you someone on his team who is.

If Style #3 might be for you, then he will get and share the beginning of your love story when you ‘meet’! No other officiant does that.

Rev. Phil will take time to get to know you!

is available to stream on Netflix. All copyrights belong to them alone.